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Every Body Holds A Story Podcast

Aug 11, 2021

In this episode, Sue and Marsha talk about the reels and how reels are blowing up Instagram and how it is forcing us to speak clearly on our business in 15-30 second increments or less.   They also discussed the concepts of gifts, opening up doors of opportunities, how the work is truly never done and how tapping into vulnerability allows us to continue to build our courage. 

In this episode we discuss:

1) Sue’s dirt pile reel that was 300K views in early July and now is crossing the 3.7 million views in only a few weeks.  The unpredictability of reels is crazy, and so important to use for your business. It is also an experience of being non-attached to the outcomes of the work, social media posts, videos and reels that we are putting out in the world.  We have no idea what will connect with people.

2) They both talk about how we have to decide to walk through the doors in front of us and actually close the doors behind us.  When we put one foot in the door in front of us and in the one behind us, we literally get stuck in both doors and go nowhere. We spend so long in the hallways, waiting, thinking and overthinking and then we actually go nowhere. 

3) Marsha shares her thoughts on gifts and how when we can learn to share the gifts from our stories, and the impact that they can create for others, it literally changes everything. We can shift and change our shame stories when we decide to change the meanings of our stories and by calling our shame stories a gift it changes the meaning of our stories.

4) They both shared how powerful it is to share in a collaborative space as we are learning how to embrace vulnerability and building our courage.

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Application for Every Body Holds a Story Collaborative Book

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Tune into Sue’s podcast, Love Your Cells:

Tune into Marsha’s podcast, Own Your Choices Own Your Life: