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Every Body Holds A Story Podcast

Oct 20, 2021

Today we are speaking with High-Performance Coach Laura Lorentz. Laura is a High-Performance Coach who is passionate about helping female business leaders unlock their limitless potential through Human Design and mindset work. She believes Human Design provides a blueprint for living your most authentic and fulfilling life, but through conditioning, we naturally live out of alignment. Laura works with her clients to bring them back into alignment with who they are meant to be and manifest the life and business they have always dreamed of. 

In this episode we discuss. 

1) Laura explains the type, authority, profile lines, and open or closed centers for Sue’s human design reading. 

2) The 5 different energy human designs, how to identify them, and how to understand the different traits to use them to unlock your limitless potential.

3) Understanding these blueprints is also important when you are working with clients, hiring or expanding your team, and even in improving all of your relationships. 

Connect with Laura:

How to work with Laura:
Breakthrough Human Design Readings (
1:1 Expansion Coaching Packages are by inquiry on Instagram

Listen to Laura’s episode on Own Your Choices Own Your Life

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Tune into Sue’s podcast, Love Your Cells:

Tune into Marsha’s podcast, Own Your Choices Own Your Life: